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The internet is filled with chatter about new technological advancements and business modifications almost daily. With so many shifting thoughts about what is possible, how processes work, and what tech tools are best, it can be complicated to remember what digital or innovative idea came from which article...

Coronavirus has made remote working a reality for millions  Remote working as a percentage of the workforce has been steadily creeping upwards over the...

If you’ve recently quit your job and are about to start working from home, or if you get to enjoy home-based work one or more days per week thanks to...

Something isn’t adding up. Your husband’s behavior has changed lately and not in a good way. He may be more quiet than usual, or more vague about his...

When it comes to saving your business money and helping out the environment, are you doing a good job? Unfortunately, too many waste money and do not do...

New neighbors moving into your area over time is nothing uncommon in most cases. That said should you ever have concern when someone new moves in? For...

Many cities in America and across the globe have neighborhoods that once were filled with industrial factories that now are transforming into trendy lofts,...

Avid hunters, public servants, military personnel or citizens who enjoy recreational shooting all need to consider the importance of firearm safety. It’s...

Do you have an idea for a tech brand and ready to hit the green light? Knowledge is power in business, and in the rapidly evolving sector of technology,...

We’re used to technological advancement in today’s fast-paced, digital society. However, as increasingly innovative and intelligent solutions are released,...