Why Do Companies Send Us Text Messages To Our Mobiles?

Posted on Nov 18 2015 - 7:03am by Editor

So your mobile phone vibrates or makes a chime to say you’ve got a new message. You open up your message inbox but find that the text you received isn’t from someone you know. Instead, it’s one sent by a company!

What’s written in the message has you intrigued, and you want to find out more about the brand. You tap on the Web link inside the message and find out about the products that interest you.

 mobile phone

But, have you ever wondered why companies send text messages to mobiles? Do they hire teams of people to text random strangers all day long? Well, it turns out that they automate the process somewhat. As you know, businesses often have marketing lists of current and potential customers.

Assuming you gave permission to do so, they’ll contact you with news of things that you might like.

And, no, they don’t hire people to text all day long, in case you wondered. They use clever bulk SMS software through Web-based systems. It’s a bit like when you email someone via their website. A Web server converts that message into a different format. In this case, it’s a text message.

So, just why do companies send us text messages? Well, they do so for many different reasons:


Perhaps the biggest reason for firms to reach out to people is to promote new products and services. They usually do so if you’ve bought from them before, and have something to offer that may interest you.

SMS marketing is an effective tool for businesses. It can be a good way for individuals to learn more about new products and brands.

Many companies prefer SMS marketing to other methods. First of all, it’s a cheaper way to spread the message about a brand. Second, they know that most people have mobile phones. Third, they also know a significant proportion of those people has their mobiles nearby.


While in the middle of writing this blog post, I got a text message remind me about an appointment. My car is due for a service in a few days, and the dealership sent me an SMS to remind me about it.

If you’re useless at remembering important dates, text message reminders are a godsend!

Website authentication

Many online services offer what’s known as a two-stage authentication system. What happens is you log in with your username and password as normal. The company that runs the site sends an automated text message with a special code.

You then enter that code into the website and hit the OK button. Once that gets done, you get logged into the site. As you can see, two-stage authentication is a brilliant idea. And it also proves that it’s not just marketing texts companies send out!


Sometimes a company will text you to offer you something for free just because you are a loyal customer. For example, a mobile network may send texts to customers offering freebies. Examples include free chocolates, cinema tickets and more from participating retailers.

Businesses know offering free items will likely result in a sale for something else at some stage!