Surgeons can be considered among our modern-day heroes. It takes years of schooling and specialized training to bring them from the clinic to the operating theater—sometimes to oversee situations of life and death.
As well, for every surgical specialty, there is a wide and specific range of “power tools” to take them through the job. For example, the range of instruments for orthopedic surgeons covers bone saws and screwdrivers; for ear, nose, and throat surgery, very fine micro-surgical instruments are required to work through even the smallest, most delicate tissues.
Luckily, each advancement in the field of surgery brings with it greater refinements and innovation in medical technology.Micro brushless motors in surgicaltools fall under these. Miniature motor components, which work via electrical commutation to the motor shaft, are behind some of the most important power tools used in the operating theater, ensuring sustained rotational speed, torque, accuracy, and power for such crucial procedures.
Here’s a short list of surgical devices that our practitioners have at their disposal while working in the operating theater, plussome quick insights on how brushless DC motors factor into their performance.
- Arthroscopic shavers.Arthroscopic surgeries, also known as keyhole surgeries, constitute the careful insertion of a tiny camera into a patient’s joint to diagnose, and sometimes treat, the tissue or bone damage. The use of a brushless DC motor in an arthroscopic shaving system ensures a steady power supply and controllable speed for the procedure of resectioning bone and tissue.
- Powered surgical staplers. For the squeamish, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to surgical staplers, which are used in lieu of suturing, and in different types of surgery (thoracic, gastrointestinal, and the like). Surgical staples can efficiently close wounds, and in many cases, facilitate shorter surgical procedure times. Miniature motor technology allows for devices that can be used smoothly and firmly with one hand, with minimal impact to surrounding tissue.
- Powered plastic surgery devices.Cosmetic surgery has enjoyed a surge of popularity in the modern times, and technology has kept up for these intricate surgical procedures. From skin grafting to liposuction, and all procedures in between, the miniature electric motors in a plastic surgeon’s power tools enable efficiency, precision, and work with a light and steady hand.
- Powered surgical screwdrivers. The usage of manual screwdrivers in reconstructive or plastic surgery may not cut it anymore. Surgeons face the challenge of applying correct force and accuracy when screwing into implants and wire meshes, and must do so without jeopardizing a patient’s bone and tissue. A motorized surgical screwdriver, then, ensures consistency in the fastening of necessary screws, reducing procedure times and guaranteeing better patient comfort in the process.
- Orthopedic reamers. Orthopedic reamers are rotational cutting tools, and they are involved in procedures such as total joint arthroplasty or the restoration of a joint via the resurfacing of bone. Because successes in these kinds of surgeries have to do with reaming mechanics, it is important that orthopedic reamers can consistently cut through bone with consistent torque and cycle life for power supply—a mechanism that miniature motor technology can sustain.
If you ever get the chance to observe a surgeon’s movement in the operating theater, maybe it’s a good time to observe how he or she uses the power tools as well. Miniature motor systems are just one