The Top XBOX One Accessories That You Need

Posted on Jun 14 2018 - 10:34am by Editor

When Microsoft announced plans for the XBOX One, fans reacted negatively because the company required a constant internet connection to use that console. It quickly changed its plans and now lets you play your favorite games without being online. You’ll find dozens of titles available, including all the first-person shooters and role-playing games that you love. Depending on what games you like the best, you may find that you can enhance your experience with some new accessories. Microsoft makes a number of accessories that are worth your money.


Entertainment Remote

One of the best things about the XBOX One is that you can download all your favorite apps to your console. This lets you watch movies and television shows and chat with friends online. If you use any streaming service like Netflix or Hulu, you should invest in the entertainment remote that is now available. Designed to look like a standard remote control, it lets you more easily navigate through your apps. You can use different buttons to switch between apps and pause or fast forward through shows. This remote will save the batteries on your gaming remote too.

Charging Station

Microsoft offers controllers in a number of different designs, but most controllers come in two styles. The first of those is one that uses ordinary AA batteries, while the second has a rechargeable battery pack. If you have a remote that comes with a rechargeable pack, you need a charging station. While you can plug the pack into your console and charge the battery as you play, it takes quite a bit of time to charge it that way. A charging station lets you charge the battery while you sleep and while you’re away from your console.


The Kinect works with both the XBOX One as well as the XBOX 360. Whether you like playing construction games that use stainless process piping or action games that send you out on exciting adventures, you can get more out of your playing time with a Kinect. This device plugs into your console and tracks your movements. Some games actually require that you have a Kinect to play. You can also use the Kinect to access your favorite apps and watch TV shows and films. If you have an XBOX One and want to get more out of your console, you need some of these top accessories.