4 Workplace Safety Tips

Posted on Sep 25 2020 - 4:57pm by Editor

A workplace safety plan can help your business avoid worker illness and injury and the loss of productivity and potential worker’s compensation claims that may result from it. Consider these four workplace safety tips when building your plan.

1. Inspect and Service Entrances and Exits

Improperly installed and maintained doors can cause injuries and create safety risks. You should inspect your doors regularly to make sure there are no loose or jagged parts that could cause cuts and scraps or pinch fingers. Make sure the hinges function properly and that the doors close and lock securely. If your building has automatic doors, you will need to make sure they are up to automated door safety compliance standards for your area.

Workplace Safety Tips

2. Clean and Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces

During normal times, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces is important for avoiding the spread of seasonal influenza and other contagious diseases. However, it is particularly important during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Surfaces such as door knobs, desks, telephones, computer mice and keyboards, printer controls and other objects that are frequently touched by multiple employees should be cleaned and disinfected daily.

3. Remove or Repair Tripping Hazards

Slip and fall accidents are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries. Inspect your parking lots and outdoor areas for holes, depressions, cracked or uneven pavement and sidewalks, loose gravel and other hazards. Install non-slip treads and handrails on stairs, make sure employees put out caution signs whenever there is a spill or a floor is being cleaned, clean up spills immediately, use rain mats at entrances and remove snow and ice from parking lots and walkways.

4. Make Sure Fire Escapes Are Clear and Functional

Without regular inspections, it can become tempting for employees to store items on fire escapes that may block people from using them during a fire. It is also important to make sure anything installed on the building, such as an air conditioning unit, does not block the escape. Ladders should be inspected periodically to ensure they function properly. A complete inspection of the fire escape should be performed by a Registered Professional Engineer once every five years.

To help ensure the health and safety of employees and avoid potential lost work hours and worker’s compensation claims, you should regularly perform safety inspections and correct any issues. Adding these four tips to your workplace safety plan can help you keep your employees healthy and productive.