Things Truckers Should Do in an Emergency

Posted on Aug 1 2020 - 3:29am by Editor

Every type of vehicle will have automotive problems every now and again. The last thing you want to happen is to be stuck in a rough spot and not know what to do when this happens. To avoid this, it’s best to follow the tips below.

Truckers in an Emergency

Memorize Road Service Phone Numbers

When something bad happens while you are on the road, it’s best that you know who to call. Even though truckers are likely to have cell phones on them at all times, they may not always have data to look up numbers for tow trucks (which can be done by searching for truck road service near me). Since this can sometimes be the case, it’s best to have a number saved ahead of time in your phone or to memorize a phone number. Doing both can be especially helpful, just in case your phone breaks or the battery dies and you need to use someone else’s phone to call for help.

Take Pictures of the Accident

Whether you get in an accident in a semi-truck or in any other kind of vehicle, it is important to take pictures of any damage the accident has caused. This is an important step in filing many insurance claims. The sooner a driver can take pictures of the accident, the better. Make sure these pictures are saved (on a phone or computer file) and have backups of the pictures. This can save you time in the long run so that you do not need to make duplicates or take extra pictures.

Understand Your Employee Insurance Coverage

If you are injured in an accident while you are driving for work, you may be covered by worker’s compensation insurance. However, it is important that you know whether your employee-based insurance covers medical costs or not. Once you know this, then you can know whether or not you can file a personal injury claim. There are a few things that factor into whether you can file a claim and how you would do so. The last thing you want to do is spend the time trying to file a claim only to find out that you are not covered. After all, it’s better to know these things before you get into an accident rather than trying to figure it out afterward.

Hopefully, you will never get into an accident. However, if you do, it’s best to keep these things in mind. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry!