5 Awesome Technologies Powering Our Laboratories

Posted on Jul 11 2015 - 6:33am by Editor

We all know that some of mankind’s great technological advancements have come from the lab. Whether it’s cures for complex diseases, new discoveries about the planet, or space exploration, it all started in a laboratory. But, what about the technology powering these discoveries? What exactly goes on in the background to enable these fantastic discoveries? We went behind the scenes to discover how scientists are equipping their labs for the future.


What we discovered was that scientists are under constant pressure to produce results. Years of research demands objective and tangible discoveries and applications. That requires incredible amounts of productivity and efficiency. Much of the lab’s technology is designed not just for discovery, but for efficient discovery. Let’s take a closer look.

  1. Safety technology – It’s no secret that laboratories deal with dangerous elements. There are unstable chemicals, radiation, and any number of hazards here. Over the years, laboratories have taken steps to improve the health and safety of its scientists. Safety doors now ensure that leaking gas can’t infiltrate external areas. Safety suits and quarantined experiment areas allow scientists to get closer to dangerous elements.
  1. Data collection and management – Working in a laboratory is all about testing hypothesis. It’s about taking theories and proving or disproving them. That means an enormous amount of data must be tracked, stored, and monitored. At the end of the experiments, this data will be brought together and studied. Most of the scientist’s day is spent taking down numbers and marking their findings. With sophisticated data tracking and collection systems, they can do this fast and with accuracy.
  1. Laboratory Management – Labs are filled with unstable elements, hazardous chemicals, and expensive equipment. There are also any number of scientists operating in each lab. Each of these aspects must be tracked, monitored, and stored. That’s where a LIMS system is essential in a lab environment. It’s a management software system that keeps track of everything that happens in the laboratory.
  1. Robotics – More and more labs are harnessing the power of robotics and automated equipment. It allows them to complete difficult tasks quicker and more efficiently. Robotic arms are regularly used to handle and process hazardous chemicals, for example. Robots are also used in pharmaceutical labs to move elements and chemicals around. They help improve the accuracy of measurements and increase productivity.
  1. Cell reproduction – Finally, we’ll leave you with one of the most impressive technological leaps in the lab. Cell reproduction is one of science’s big achievements over the last decade. Reproducing organs in a laboratory environment has allowed doctors to save lives. Thanks to new laboratory technology, these advancements are made even more powerful.

Laboratories are crucial to the scientific community. They are powering some of the world’s biggest discoveries. Whether it’s assessing the impact of climate change, or inspecting rocks and minerals from space, they are exciting places. The technology we’ve seen today is helping them perform with more accuracy and more efficiently. We can’t wait to see what the next big discovery is!