Signs That The Company Requires Custom Built Business Software

Posted on Jul 27 2016 - 11:08am by Editor

In the business world there are many different problems that can appear. Almost all of them have some sort of business solution that is available and that can solve every little problem. In the past we saw many of the problems being solved by simply using custom software. It was the only way to do things. However, this is not necessarily always the case. Technology evolved and we saw many changes. Charles Phillips Of Infor quickly understood that many companies do not have the money needed to have custom software built for them. Because of this he expanded services to already create software and cloud solutions that would help at a price that is lower.

Custom Built Business Software

Leaving the financial problems aside, there are moments in time when there is practically no other solution that to use custom built business software. Look out for the signs that are presented below to see if this is the case at the moment with your company.

Time Is Lost

You need to be careful and you need to always analyze how business is done and how the staff handles all the tasks that appear. For instance, let us think about manual data entry. Will it cause the employees to lose time and are mistakes appearing too often? If this is the case, you may need to automate at least a part of the process. You can always opt for ERP systems and other business software capable of solving problems but when that is not enough, custom software solutions will fill in the gaps and will lead towards the solutions you are looking for.

Specific Unique Needs

In so many cases we see business managers think that their company needs something that is truly unique but that is not actually the case as regular solutions would work well if some modifications would be made. However, in other cases the truth is that we are faced with something that actually is unique. This actually happens just in around 5% of cases but you have to be opened to the situation in which you actually are placed in that 5%.

A big problem with out of the box software applications is that you cannot build custom add-ons. The companies that make the software will not make modifications for you. When hit with such a problem there is a need to contact an experienced company that will actually make these modifications or that would offer something different that would do what you need it to.

What Do The Employees Say?

One of the clear signs that you actually need something new, a major modification is when you see that you pick up new business but the company struggles. You need to be careful and you need to talk with the employees. After having discussions with them you will figure out if you need help or not from the custom business software solutions available on the market. Do keep such a channel open and you will love the results.