While others are exploring Australia’s sights and sounds from “down under,” daring sightseers are taking to the skies. Ariel tours originating in Sydney allow enthusiastic tourists as well as locals to view many marvelous geographic attractions from the air in a much shorter period of time and in a much broader spectrum than from ground transportation. The Australian Aerobatic Academy offers scenic flights from Sydney to those who wish to have a bird’s eye view of the grandeur of Australia.
Few landscapes offer the diversity offered in this country. With our blue waters and white beaches, our coastline is within itself an extraordinary depiction of the power and majesty of nature. From the beaches to the mountains to the desert, we offer a magnificent assortment of beauty and strength. Exploring these regions from the ground can be both exciting and perilous. The view from the ground is beautiful, but the view from the air will take your breath away, and should you choose to experience the joy flights, the adrenaline rush may make you doubt your breath will return.
In addition to the picturesque scenic flights, the Australia Aerobatic Academy offers a joy flight. This exposes a more intense and thrilling view of the area surrounding Sydney through the eyes of passengers who are experiencing a roll or loop. Our pilots are knowledgeable in the field of aerobatics and are very well trained in all aspects of acrobatic flying, taking dives, making loops and spirals and safely recovering the plane and reassuring the passengers. Thrill seekers enjoy these types of dare-devil stunts and the resulting rush of excitement they feel. More and more self-proclaimed adventurers return again and again to relive the experience. The thrills sought and provided by aerobatic operations seem to be unmatched by any other form of entertainment or activity. See for yourself how different and exhilarating these types of aerial adventures can be.
The joy flights offered by the academy are three dimensional. First, they include basic sightseeing while flying at lower altitudes to assure the passengers the best possible view. Secondly, these tours can be expanded to include aerobatic maneuvers beautifully orchestrated by the extremely well trained instructors and pilots, who bob and weave, dip and roll in shocking, frightening and exciting ways. Thirdly, the opportunity is provided to the flight trainee to generate the aerobatic stunts with the plane themselves. Your family and friends will marvel at your abilities when you accept the responsibility of the controls and perform a loop-the-loop or a roll-over. Pilot instructors provide close supervision of all activities in order to remain in control of the plane and provide the safety precautions required.
If you are interested in becoming a pilot, if you have some basic knowledge and want to acquire you private pilot license or if you feel the calling to conduct aerial stunts, the academy offers the courses and instruction you need to meet your goals. If you wish to learn more about the fun and exciting opportunities offered by the Australia Aerobatic Academy, read more about them at www.aeroacademy.com.au.