Ford’s Fiesta Is Now The Best Selling UK Automobile

Posted on Aug 13 2014 - 5:11am by Editor

The Ford Fiesta was first released in 1976, and since then it has become incredibly popular all over the world. While the design has changed considerably since those early models first reached the market, the Fiesta trademark size is still very much the same. As is its maneuverability. Indeed, no other car in Ford’s fleet has been loved by so many people. That is just one of the reasons this model became the UK’s biggest selling car in 2014.

Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiesta

With that in mind, we’re going to spend some time this morning taking a look at some of the main aspects of this car that people find so appealing. While this isn’t a review as such, it will highlight some of the reasons you might like to purchase a Ford Fiesta in the near future. Indeed, it might even inspire some of you to book theory test today, get your licence at some point over the next few months and get on the roads.

The Ford Fiesta Is Cheap

This is almost certainly the number one reason for why so many people have purchased this model over the years. Compared to the other cars in Ford’s range, the Fiesta is incredibly cheap. It also fares well against similar-sized models produced by other manufacturers. The new Zetec is only just over £12,000 brand new, which is fantastic.

The Ford Fiesta Is Reliable

Ask anyone who works for a breakdown recovery firm and they’ll tell you that people driving Ford Fiesta’s rarely require assistance. Ford has managed to sell over 4,115,000 units of this model since the 1970s, and very few of them have ever experienced major issues. That’s because the initial design was so perfect, and it has been improved upon time and time again.

The Ford Fiesta Is Safe

While smaller cars are always a little more fragile when involved in major accidents, the Fiesta’s safety record is pretty amazing. There have obviously been a few fatalities over the years, but that’s mostly down to poor weather conditions and bad drivers. Most modern editions contain five airbags that keep everyone in the vehicle safe, regardless of what might happen.

The Ford Fiesta Is Fast

The standard Fiesta models are pretty quick, but those who opt to purchase the Zetec editions are in for a real treat. While they might not reach the highest speeds, they’re very quick off the mark. That makes you feel like you’re travelling very fast. Also, the Zetec’s are slightly lower to the ground than other editions, and that gives you more pull.

From all that information, you should be able to see just how amazing the Ford Fiesta models are. Not only are they affordable for just about everyone, but they’re also incredibly safe and reliable. There are obviously other cars on the market that could be considered as good, but we feel the Fiesta has a much wider appeal. Indeed, that’s just one of the reasons it’s been around for such a long time.

So, are you going to get one soon?