SEMMARIS Inaugurates Its New Fleet Of Renault ZOE Electric Vehicles

Posted on Jul 9 2014 - 9:00am by Editor2

SEMMARIS, the company that manages Rungis International Market, is pleased to present its new fleet of Renault ZOE electric vehicles in partnership with Renault. The fleet was inaugurated by Carole Delga, French Secretary of State in charge of trade, crafts, consumption and the social and solidarity economy, and Christophe Najdovski, Deputy Mayor in charge of transportation, roads, travel and public spaces for the City of Paris.

Renault ZOE electric vehicles

By equipping its teams in the field with a fleet of 7 Renault ZOEs, SEMMARIS has kicked off an ambitious programme to deploy electric vehicles at Rungis International Market.

This first step aims to raise awareness about green technologies among the 1,200 companies operating at the market and their 25,000 customers, chiefly comprised of retailers and restaurant owners who go to Rungis for supplies, therefore playing a key role in last mile logistics.

Concurrently, beginning in 2014 and in cooperation with the City of Paris, slow and rapid charging stations will be installed, allowing market users to work and move about in electric vehicles. A car-sharing system with online booking will be available for short-distance use across the site’s 234 hectares, and in 2015, SEMMARIS will offer buyers combined packages with a ‘small cold-storage unit + parking place for LCV with electric socket’.

Renault Group is also offering Rungis buyers the first KANGOO Z.E. cars equipped with a cooling unit running on an auxiliary battery, independent from the engine.

Stéphane Layani, CEO of SEMMARIS, says, “An electric vehicle for our fleet was the obvious choice because of its ecological and sustainable qualities, in phase with our goal of making Rungis International Market an innovative and exemplary ecosystem. Using clean vehicles, diminishing the market’s energy footprint and promoting flow pooling to decongest urban areas are concrete ways of achieving this goal.”

Bernard Cambier, Renault Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing, France, adds, “We are pleased to support SEMMARIS in its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. Renault firmly believes that electric vehicles offer a real solution to current problems relating to the environment and to noise pollution in urban areas.”