Small Business Management from Your Phone: the Best Apps

Posted on Sep 10 2016 - 9:11am by Editor

Phones today can do much more than we could ever have dreamed of in the past. Smartphones are basically small computers. You can run many of the same types of applications as you can on your laptop or desktop. This is great news for business owners, especially if they’re always on the move. You don’t have to have a laptop or tablet with you or a wireless connection. You can use your phone to manage aspects of your business using hundreds of available apps. Make your business management more mobile by trying out some of the app categories below.


Cloud Storage and Document Management

Being able to access important files remotely has never been easier. Cloud storage makes it possible to back-up all your essential information and access it whenever you need to. Small businesses use a variety of cloud storage providers, from Dropbox to Google Drive. You can carry everything you need in your pocket, and work on the same files as anyone else who has access to them. Of course, if you want to edit anything, you also need a document editor. You might choose to use Google Docs, Evernote, Documents to Go or another app to do this.

Social Media Management

Keeping up with your business’s social media streams is essential. It’s something you need to follow in real-time. People expect replies as quickly as possible. Even if you have a social media manager, it’s a good idea to be involved with your social media channels. You should keep an eye on the activity and be in close touch with your manager. Make sure you know what you’re doing by following a social media marketing guide. It’s easy to download a variety of apps for managing social media. You might use the apps from Facebook, Twitter, etc. However, you might prefer to use one app, such as Hootsuite, that brings several channels together.

Accounting from Your Phone

Accounting and money management from your phone makes many things a lot easier. You don’t need to wait until you get back to the office to do something important that you might forget. Many small business owners do a lot of their own accounting, so it’s essential to have the right tools. You should have an app such as Quickbooks to help you manage your cash flow. It’s also worth looking into apps that help you make payments, which is useful for various business transactions. You can even use your phone to track expenses.

Internal Communication

Maintaining communication with your team is essential. Being able to talk to everyone from one app can make things a lot easier. You don’t have to try and coordinate email, phone and instant messaging. Try an app such as Slack, which allows you to create different channels for different topics. It can send and receive notifications for messages sent to different channels, so you don’t miss out on anything important.

All you need is your phone in your pocket to run your business. Make sure you find the apps you could use most to increase your productivity.