Virtual Reality Training

What are the Benefits of Investing in Virtual Reality Training?

Virtual reality simulations offer a host of benefits to companies and organisations from many different industry sectors. Over recent years, advancements in virtual reality technology has made it much easier for companies to train their staff to prepare for real-life scenarios. Virtual reality technology enables trainees to obtain valuable practical skills and detailed knowledge.

Virtual Reality Training

A risk-free, realistic environment

There are many advantages attached to investing in virtual reality training. One of the main reasons companies and organisations opt for VR training is that it places trainees in a risk-free yet authentic environment. VR solutions can replicate environments such as factories, medical theatres, cockpits and battlefields, providing a highly-realistic experience without dangers being presented.

Key industries 

Industries that have benefited substantially from VR training include education, construction, medicine, business and the military, to give just a few examples. VR training can be carried out remotely to save time and money, and it can vastly improve retention and recall whilst enabling individuals to see complex problems in a simplified manner. The experience of undergoing VR training can be very engaging, and the method is suited to a range of different learning styles. It’s widely agreed that training tends to be more successful when trainees find it enjoyable and stimulating.

Safety and efficiency

Training is clearly a vital process to ensure individuals can carry out their duties safely and efficiently. However, training in a real-world environment is not always practical or possible, especially when prototypes are not available. With virtual reality training, a single model can be produced and used repeatedly.

Why Antycip Simulation?

Antycip Simulation is a leading provider of virtual reality and simulation solutions. We offer a wide range of simulation software, projection products and display products from various leading sources, which enables us to offer a bespoke solution to meet all your project needs. We have been leading players in the field of COTS simulation software for over two decades and have the experience and expertise needed to help you derive as much value as possible from your projects. Antycip’s dedication to impartiality and dependence enables us to provide you with the best possible recommendations for your needs, rather than those of any particular supplier or manufacturer.

Terrain and visualisation applications

You can get access to a number of terrain and visualisation software applications which can be used for training, modelling, analysis and simulation requirements. These include GenesisIG, which provides access to virtual worlds in real-time, BlueBerry3D, a leading tool for swiftly creating and visualising detailed 3D databases and Trian3DBuilder, widely cited as highly innovative in creating and editing digital landscapes. The terrain and visualisation solutions can replicate air missions, naval, and ground-based missions, multi-domain battle simulations and space operations. Antycip also provide solutions for crane operation simulations and simulator interoperability.


Getting in touch

Contact Antycip Simulation today to learn more about the virtual reality solutions for businesses and large organisation. They have offices in Oxford, Paris and Milan and serve local, regional and international markets.



